Classical & Modern Languages
Language shapes the way humans perceive, think, and communicate. Studying another language provides an opportunity to experience a different mode of thought from one’s native language, to make forays into and connections across the barriers of language, culture, and time. Language study is a critical tool in helping students understand themselves as well as their roles and responsibilities in a global society.
The study of language and culture offers a window into ourselves and the wider world around us. Through language we delve into questions of identity, history and contemporary challenges. Hotchkiss offers a robust for-credit program in two classical languages -- Latin and Greek -- and four modern languages -- Chinese, French, German, and Spanish.
In addition to its academic program, our department supports our students’ discovery of language and culture by offering numerous travel opportunities and programming through its Language & Culture Center.
About Classical & Modern Languages Department
Language & Culture Center (LCC)
In celebration of the community’s linguistic and cultural diversity, the ‘West Side’ of the LCC is designed to welcome any and all community members who wish to practice their nascent foreign language skills or bask in their native tongue, as the case may be. Foreign language magazines, board games, comfortable seating and an Apple TV for watching foreign language movies, sports with foreign language commentary, and internationally reported current events are available to all. In addition, our language and culture clubs occasionally reserve the space in the evening for conversation, music, games, and movie-viewing in the target language.
The ‘East Side’ is a multi-purpose room where language and culture clubs are welcome to host regular meetings and events without necessarily committing to linguistic immersion. One-on-one and drop-in language peer tutoring takes place in this space, and two desktop computers equipped with web-based and non web-based programs are available for students who may wish to study languages not offered by the department on an independent/co-curricular basis.