The Hotchkiss School is proud to present the musical talents of 27 talented students at Carnegie Hall on Saturday, Jan. 25. Please join The Joanne Eastman Sohrweide Chair, Artistic Director, and Director of Music Fabio Witkowski and Instructor in Piano Gisele Nacif Witkowski as they present a showcase of student performances in one of the world's most recognized and revered concert venues.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
8 p.m.
Weill Recital Hall
Carnegie Hall, 881 7th Avenue, NYC
Purchase tickets for the recital
List of performers
Alessandro Araujo ’26, piano
Ethan Choi ’26, piano
Victoria Fang ’25, piano
Jeffery Gong ’26, piano
Anthony Hu ’25, piano
Emma Liu ’26, piano
Crystal Pang ’28, piano
Irene Zeng ’26, piano
Sienna Hwang ’27, violin
Yobin Kim ’26, violin
Alex Lu ’27, violin
Mia Tan ’28, violin
Lucas Wang ’27, violin
Jeannie Yang ’25, violin
James Zhou ’28, violin
Ian Choi ’27, cello
Ellis Chung ’25, cello
Max Salzinger ’25, cello
Bruce Zhang ’27, cello
Isabella Deng ’27, flute
Sansan Yu ’25, flute
YaoYao Yuan ’27, oboe
Tina Zhao ’26, oboe
Abi Kizza ’25, voice
Ashley Opdyke ’26, voice
Olivia Zhang ’25, clarinet
Rodolfo Paiz ’27, viola