Photos By Warren Edwards ’27
There were many reasons to roar as Hotchkiss athletes were honored with 2023-2024 all-season athletic awards during a special ceremony on Wednesday, May 29. View a photo album.
“This year’s new format allows us to celebrate our athletes and the strength of our athletic program as a whole.” Head of School Craig Bradley told the audience. “To our athletes and coaches, we cannot thank you enough for your dedication to your athletes and teams, your sportsmanship and your love of the game.”
Bradley also gave a “Special Congratulations to this year’s Founders League Champions. In the fall, Boys Cross Country. In the winter, Boys and Girls Squash. Boys Varsity Diving, Nolan Jennings ’24 won Founders. In the spring, Girls Lacrosse, Girls Tennis, and Girls Golf, with a special recognition for prep class member Sienna Hwang ’26, who took home the individual Girls Founders League Golf Tournament Championship. Jake Doherty ’26 won the individual Boys Founders League Golf Tournament Championship. Lastly, Jackson Powell ’26, who won the High Jump at the Founders League Track and Field Meet. I would also like to take a moment to recognize our undefeated teams for the 2023-2024 athletic season: In the fall, Mountain Biking finished with a 7-0 record winning the Housatonic Mountain Biking League, with Asher Frankel ’26 finishing first overall in the league. In the winter, Girls JV Basketball with a perfect 12-0 record. In the spring, Boys JV Tennis also posted a perfect 12-0 record, outscoring their opponents 78-4 over the course of the season. Additionally, Girls JV Tennis finished with a perfect 9-0 record.”
THE WILCOX AWARD was established by Roy C. Wilcox, ’12, of Meriden, Connecticut, and is awarded to the player having the highest batting average on the School’s baseball team. This year’s recipient is: Cam Freeman ’26.
THE ARNOLD C. SAUNDERS, JR., ’10, AWARD is, established by the late Mr. Saunders, of Cleveland, Ohio, is awarded to that member of the School baseball team who in the opinion of the coaches and the Athletic Director has been the most valuable to the team by his effort, performance, and spirit. This year’s recipients are: Gavin Nataraj ’24, Luke Carfi ’24, and Quillan Oberto ’24.
THE BASEBALL TROPHY is presented to a member of the varsity baseball team who has played with spirit and enthusiasm, and has improved the most during the season. This year’s recipient is: Carlos Lalane ’26.
THE BASKETBALL AWARD, presented to that member of the basketball team who has shown the most improvement during the season. This year’s recipients are: Davyn De Jongh ’24 and Eleanor Helm ’25.
THE BASKETBALL PRIZE is presented to the athlete who has contributed the most to the basketball team. This year’s recipients are: Dean Hogans ’25 and Angel Allen ’24
THE CHARLES E. BERRY AWARD is named in honor of Charles E. Berry, master at Hotchkiss of German and history from 1936-1970 and first coach of cross country, is presented to that member of the cross country team who lives up to the code of the runner in that this athlete: Neither boasts of victory over a worthy opponent, nor excuses defeat. Neither takes unfair advantage to win, nor contributes to his/her own loss. Knows that victory over himself/herself must precede victory over others. This year’s recipients are: Sawyer Eaton ’25, Kavya Ramasamy ’24, Elliot Marken ’24, and Ciaran Groom ’24.
THE WALTER J. CRAIN CROSS COUNTRY AWARD is awarded each year to that member of the cross country team who, through conscientiousness, attitude, and effort, does the most to elevate the spirit and morale of the team.This year’s recipients are: Natalie Bushell ’24 and Axel Nzi ’25.
THE NEIL H. SCOTT FIELD HOCKEY PRIZE is named in honor of Neil H. Scott, varsity field hockey coach from 1975-1982 and instructor at Hotchkiss in physical science and chemistry from 1970-1993. It is presented to that member of the varsity squad who through hard work and dedication has shown the most improvement during the season. This year’s recipients are: Julianna Piccone ’24 and Addie Kosiewicz ’26.
THE CAROLE S. HAWLEY ’75 AWARD is given to the player(s) whose high standard of play, improvement in personal skills, and unselfish teamwork has made the greatest contribution to the success of the field hockey team. This year’s recipients are: Bella Bigelow ’24, Steph Ionescu ’24, Annabel Raffin ’24, Julia Widen ’24.
THE BRIAN CULLINAN ’67 FOOTBALL PRIZE is given in memory of Brian Cullinan, ’67, to the athlete who through unselfish loyalty, individual leadership, and general all-around fine play makes an outstanding contribution to the football team. This year’s recipient is: Cam Holland ’24.
THE GEORGE A. GOSS, JR. ’38 FOOTBALL AWARD is presented to the athlete who has contributed the most to the football team through their spirit, effort, and attitude. This year’s recipient is: Rett Zeigler ’24.
THE SCOTT L. PROBASCO ’11 FOOTBALL AWARD was established by the late Scott L. Probasco of Chattanooga, TN, and is presented to that member of the varsity football team who has shown the most improvement during the season. This year’s recipient is: Ryan Grant ’24.
THE BLOSSOM TROPHY is endowed by the late George W. Blossom, Jr.,’11, of Chicago, Illinois, is awarded to the most valuable player on the varsity golf team. This year’s recipient is: Jake Doherty ’26.
GIRLS VARSITY GOLF AWARD, presented to that member of the varsity girls golf team who has through leadership and example contributed the most to the team’s spirit, unity, and success. This year’s recipient is: Petal Hammam ’25.
THE PROBASCO TROPHY is given to Hotchkiss by the late Scott L. Probasco, ’11, of Chattanooga, Tennessee and is presented to the winners of the annual school golf championship. This year’s recipients are: Boys Champion: George McGlinn ’26; Girls Champion: Sienna Hwang ’27.
THE EDWARD F. III ’41 AND PHELPS H. SWIFT ’44 AWARD is presented to the athlete who by loyalty, leadership and fine spirit makes the greatest contribution to the boys hockey team. This year’s recipients are: Jake Owens ’24 and Michael Buenzow ’24.
THE MARTIN DWYER III ’65 MEMORIAL HOCKEY AWARD is awarded annually in memory of Marty Dwyer ’65 to that member of the hockey team who by their effort and determination has shown the greatest improvement. This year’s recipient is: Benjamin Brown ’24.
THE MELISSA GOSS SIMONDS ’79 HOCKEY AWARD is established in honor of the first team, whose spirit and perseverance served as an inspiration for future teams. It is awarded to that player who, through their ability, enthusiasm, dedication and sportsmanship, has contributed the most to the girls hockey team. This year’s recipients are: Etta Coburn ’24 and Steph Ionescu ’24.
THE JOHN W. COOPER HOCKEY AWARD is named in honor of John W. Cooper, P’08, ’11, longtime head girls hockey coach and advocate for all Hotchkiss student-athletes, is presented to that member of the girls varsity hockey team who best demonstrates a love of the game and all that it means to be a part of a team. Just as was true for Coach Cooper, this player has shown endless curiosity about the beauty and wonder of this game played on ice, always striving to do better, and never tiring of the chance to tie up her laces and share with teammates her love for hockey and for them. Ever humble and unceasingly loyal, she always puts her teammates first as she lifts them up with the laughter and joy that comes with selfless dedication to the team. This year’s recipients are: Annabel Raffin ’24 and Bri Rockwood ’24.
THE ALEXANDER D. STUART ’68 LACROSSE AWARD is awarded to that member of the boys varsity lacrosse team who has shown the most improvement during the year while demonstrating good sportsmanship. This year’s recipient is: Liam McCummings ’24.
THE C. NELSON COREY II LACROSSE AWARD is named in recognition of the man who started lacrosse as a varsity sport at Hotchkiss and coached this sport from 1965-78. It is awarded to that member of the boys varsity team whose enthusiasm, determination, and example have earned the respect of teammates and coaches. This year’s recipients are: Rett Zeigler ’24 and Ryan Ornstein ’24.
THE KELLY STONE LACROSSE PRIZE is awarded in honor of Kelly Stone, Varsity girls Lacrosse Coach and Assistant Athletic Director from 1980-1997. It is presented to that member of the girls lacrosse team whose exemplary effort and attitude, loyalty, and superior performances have earned them the respect of teammates and coaches. This year’s recipients are: Zoe Bye ’24, Etta Coburn ’24, Avery Doran ’24.
THE MOUNTAIN BIKING COACHES’ AWARD is presented to the athlete whose enthusiasm, determination, improvement, and love of adventure best embodies the spirit of the sport. This year’s recipients are: Coco Sheronas ’26, Tiger Mutter ’26, and Mike Xu ’24.
THE ROWING PRIZE is awarded to that athlete who in the opinion of the coaches has been the most valuable to the team through effort, performance, and sportsmanship. This year’s recipients are: Vlad Grass ’24, Bridget Reese ’24, and Leighton Smith ’24.
THE NUNES SAILING TROPHY is endowed by the late Edward V. Nunes ’38, of Greenwich, CT. It is awarded to the student who has contributed the most to the success of the sailing team through dedication, proficiency, and sportsmanship. This year’s recipient is: Phoebe Hackett ’24
THE CLASS OF 1989 SAILING PRIZE is given to that member of the three lower classes who in the opinion of the coaches and senior members of the team demonstrates exemplary seamanship and sportsmanship and whose attitude and dedication contributes the most to the overall spirit of the team. This year’s recipient is: Samara Walshe ’25.
THE W. DAVID COUGHLIN AWARD is presented by the 1973 varsity soccer team in honor of David Coughlin, head varsity coach from 1962-1990, is awarded to that member of the varsity soccer team who has shown the most improvement during the year while demonstrating good sportsmanship. This year’s recipients are: Wyatt Wahl ’25 and George McGlinn ’26.
THE LUCIEN SWIFT STRONG ’40 MEMORIAL AWARD is given in memory of Lieutenant Strong, of the U.S. Army Air Force, presented to that athlete who by loyalty, leadership and fine spirit makes the greatest contribution to the soccer team. This year’s recipient is: Benjamin Brown ’24.
THE COACHES’ AWARD is presented to that member of the girls varsity soccer team who through hard work and dedication has shown the most improvement during the season. This year’s recipients are: Morgan Jenkins ’25 and Lyyli Stern ’26.
THE CHRISTY COOPER SOCCER PRIZE is named in honor of Christy Cooper P ’08,’11, who served as head soccer coach from 1995-2022. The award recognizes a returning member of the girls varsity soccer team who best exemplifies all the values that Coach Cooper championed and embodied during her 35 year tenure at Hotchkiss, with special focus on competing with consistent dedication and exemplary class. This player has a highly impressive level of empathy and shows compassion to her teammates and opponents, and through her commitment to others, her love of the game, and her constant acknowledgement of the beauty of team and sport, serves as the connective tissue of the team and best represents Coach Cooper's motto: ONE LOVE. This year’s recipients are: Nell Dwyer ’24, Emmanuela Frimpomaa ’24, and Etta Coburn ’24.
THE BOYS SQUASH PRIZE is presented to the athlete who through unselfish loyalty makes an outstanding contribution to the squash team through all around fine play. This year’s recipient is: Oscar Okonkwo ’25.
JOHN C. VIRDEN III ’64 AWARD is given in honor of John C. Virden III ’64, first head coach of the girls squash team, and is presented to that player who through loyalty, ability, and leadership makes an outstanding contribution to the squash team with their all-around fine play. This year’s recipient is: Makeda Moshi ’26.
THE WILLIAM N. STAKELEY SWIMMING AWARD,is named in honor of William N. Stakeley, teacher at Hotchkiss in Chemistry and swim coach from 1938-1966, presented to that member of the Senior or Upper Middle class who in the opinion of the coaches has been most valuable to the swimming team through effort, performance and spirit. This year’s recipients are: Nolan Jennings ’24 and Daniel Li ’24.
THE NELSON S. TALBOTT ’11 CUP was established by the late Nelson S. Talbott ’11, of Dayton, Ohio, to that swimmer in the Junior or Lower Middle class who in the opinion of the team members and coaches has been the most valuable to the swimming squad through effort, performance, and spirit. This year’s recipients are: Gavin Ho ’27 and Aidan Song ’27.
THE CLASS OF 1989 SWIMMING AWARD is presented to that member of the Upper Mid, Lower Mid, or Junior classes who, through determination, effort, and positive attitude, contributes the most to the swim team. This year’s recipient is: Caleigh Lane ’27.
THE W. DAVID COUGHLIN SWIMMING AWARD is presented to that member of the girls swim team who has contributed the most to the success of the swim team through attitude, effort, and achievement. This year’s recipients are: Tory Dana ’24 and Kiera Dwan ’24.
THE HARTCORN AWARD was established by Robert Hartcorn of Salisbury, Connecticut, former tennis coach of The Hotchkiss School, and is awarded to the winner of the Boys & Girls Tennis Tournament. This year’s recipients is: Yury Tsibikov ’26. The girls tournament was not able to be completed.
THE GIRLS TENNIS PRIZE is presented to the athlete who through unselfish loyalty makes an outstanding contribution to the tennis team and to the School through unselfish loyalty and all around fine play. This year’s recipient is: Eva Lependorf ’24.
THE ALBAN F. BARKER TENNIS AWARD is presented in memory of Alban Barker, head coach of the boys varsity tennis team for twenty-five years. It is awarded to that member of the boys varsity team who through hard work, spirit, perseverance, unselfish loyalty, and all around fine play makes an outstanding contribution to the tennis team and to the School. This year’s recipient is: Matias Acevedo ’24.
THE WYCKOFF AWARD was established by the late George M. Wyckoff, ’20, of Sewickley, Pennsylvania, and is awarded to the that member of the boys track team who contributes most in spirit and effort to the success of the track team.This year’s recipients are: Maxwell Gathuru ’24 and Axl Nzi ’25.
THE GIRLS TRACK AWARD is presented to the athlete, who in the opinion of the captains and the coaches, contributed most in loyalty and sportsmanship to the success of the girls’ track team. This year’s recipients are: Anji Ashaye ’24, Boffi Lin ’24, Gabby Mensah ’25, and Julia Widen ’24.
THE ULTIMATE FRISBEE AWARD is presented to that member of the Varsity Ultimate Frisbee team who best demonstrates true joy in playing the game and encourages play at the most competitive level while never failing to treat teammates and competitors with the utmost respect. This year’s recipient is: Jacquo Pierre ’24.
THE DAVID P. BOLMER ’73 VOLLEYBALL PRIZE is presented each fall to a member of the varsity volleyball team who best exemplifies the highest qualities of character, courage, and commitment to team play. This year’s recipient is: Ella Yu ’24.
THE WRESTLING AWARD is awarded to the wrestler who makes the greatest contribution to the team through unselfish loyalty and outstanding performance during the current season. This year’s recipient is: Adam Wright ’24.
THE GEORGE A. GOSS, JR. ’38 WRESTLING AWARD is given to a senior who has been with Hotchkiss wrestling for at least two years and who, because of a high level of dedication to the team, exemplary tenacity in the face of adversity, and selfless contribution to the improvement of others, has earned the respect and admiration of coaches and teammates. This year’s recipient is: Aimee Carrasco ’24.
THE CHARLES H. WHITTEMORE ’77 MEMORIAL WRESTLING AWARD is presented by friends in memory of Charlie Whittemore ’77 to that member of the varsity wrestling team who, during the past season, has been a positive model of sportsmanship, selflessness, and dedication in and out of the wrestling room. This year’s recipient is: Jacquo Pierre ’24.
The Founders All League Award is given in recognition of that student athlete who best exemplifies the League ideals of sportsmanship, hard work and character in the spirit of competition and fair play at the varsity level.
Founders All League: Adam Wright ’24 and Cam Freeman ’26
Boys Varsity Basketball
Founders All League: Preston Merrick ’26 & Dean Hogans ’25
NEPSAC CLASS A All-Star: Dean Hogans ’24
NEPSAC CLASS A Honorable Mention: Preston Merrick ’26 Girls Varsity Basketball Founders All League: Lexi Clark ’24 & Grace Backus ’25
NEPSAC All-Star: Angel Allen ’24, Morgan Jenkins ’25, Kaila Richards ’25
NEPSAC CLASS A Honorable Mention: Eleanor Helm ’25
Boys Cross Country (Founders League Champions)
Founders All League: Cooper Grace ’27, Copey Rollins ’26, Robert Lazar ’27
Founders All Stars (Top 15 Finishers): Ciaran Groom (2nd), Copey Rollins (5th)l Axel Nzi (9th) and Robert Lazar (10th)
New England All Stars (Top 20 Finishers): Copey Rollins (7th), Ciaran Groom (18th)
Girls Cross Country
Founders All League: Amina Wang ‘27 & Caleigh Lane ‘27
Founders All Stars (Top 15 Finishers): Caleigh Lane (3)
New England All Stars (Top 20 Finishers): Caleigh Lane (10)
Field Hockey
Founders All League: Annabel Raffin ‘24 & Eleanor Helm ’25
Western New England All-Stars: Bella Bigelow ’24 & Julia Widen ’24
All NEPSAC Class A Field Hockey: Eleanor Helm ’25 & Steph Ionescu ’24
All NEPSAC Class A Honorable Mention: Annabel Raffin ’24 & MaryHelen McCooey ’25
Founders All League: Cam Holland ’24
All NEPSAC Class A Football:
All NEPSAC Class A Honorable mention:
Boys Golf
Founders All League: Cameron Holland ’24 Jake Doherty ‘26
Founders League Tournament Medalist with a 71 (E)
Girls Golf
Founders All League: Angela Li ‘24, Hannah Oberman ‘24, and Sienna Hwang ‘27 Sienna Hwang '27
Founders League Tournament Medalist with a 36 (-1)
Boys Varsity Hockey
Founders All League: Brennan Cail ’24 & Jake Owens ’24
All-NEPSAC Team winner: Connor Towle ‘25
ALL-NEPSAC Honorable Mention: Jake Owens ‘24
Girls Varsity Hockey
Founders All League: Bea Garvey ‘24
ALL-NEPSAC Honorable Mention: Annabel Raffin ‘24
Boys Lacrosse
Founders All League: Ryan Ornstein ’24 & Nick George ’24
Academic All-American: Liam McCummings ’24
Girls Lacrosse
Founders All League: Eleanor Helm ‘25, Allison Wick ‘26, and Addison Kosiewicz ‘26
All NEPSAC: Zoe Bye ‘24, Etta Coburn ‘24, Avery Doran ‘24
All NEPSAC Honorable Mention: Zoe Froimovitz ‘24, Charlotte Dorman ‘25, MaryHelen McCooey ‘25
Boys Soccer
Founders All League: Harrison Hoffman ‘24 & Andy Bowers ‘24 CT
All-State Team: Benjamin Brown ‘24
ALL-NEPSAC Class A (Honorable Mention): Benjamin Brown ‘24
NEPSAC Senior All-Star Team: Benjamin Brown ‘24, Lawrence Taylor ‘24
WNEPSSA All-Star Team: Jaden Ottley ‘25, Arvid Vucetic ‘25
Girls Soccer
Founders All League: Etta Coburn ‘24 and Emily Wang ‘25
WWNEPSSA All-Stars: Nell Dwyer ‘24, Emmanuella Frimpomaa ‘24
NEPSWSA Junior All-Star: Darcy Dwyer ‘25, Quinn Pollack ‘25 CT
All State Team: Nell Dwyer ‘24, Emmanuella Frimpomaa ‘24
Boston Globe All-NEPSAC Team: Emmanuella Frimpomaa ‘24
Boys Varsity Squash
Founders All League: Dwyer Illick ’26, Arvaan Motwane ’26 & Liam Waldron ’25
ALL-NEPSAC Class A First Team: Oscar Okonkwo ‘25, Parth Khera ‘26, Rohan Gupta ‘26
ALL-NEPSAC Class A Honorable Mention: Arvaan Motwane ‘26, Liam Waldron ‘25
Girls Varsity Squash
Founders All League: Elise Kang ‘25, Maya Mansoor ‘24 & Makeda Moshi ‘26
ALL-NEPSAC Class A First Team: Elise Kang ‘25, Makeda Moshi ‘26 & Maya Mansoor ‘24
ALL-NEPSAC Class A Honorable Mention: Olivia Choo ‘26 & Eloise Oakley ‘27
Boys Swimming & Diving
Founders All League: Matthew Hong '26
Founders League Champion: Nolan Jennings '24
ALL-NEPSAC: Nolan Jennings '24 (diving), George Axelrod ’25 (diving) & Oliver Johnson ’25 (500 freestyle)
Girls Swimming & Diving
Founders All League: Stella Fenton ’26 & Serena Salfiti ’25
Boys Tennis
Founders All League: Yury Tsibikov ’26 and Ken Matanachai ‘24
All NEPSAC: Yury Tsibikov ’26
NEPSAC Honorable Mention: Arvid Vucetic ’25
Girls Tennis
Founders All League: Eleni Kontokosta ’25, Eva Lependorf '24 & Stella Liao ’27
All NEPSAC: Minnie Li ’26
Boys and Girls Track & Field
Founders All League: Jackson Powell ‘26 and Nate Harrison ‘24
Founders All League: Emily Wang ’25 and Mia Nyoike ‘24 Anji Ashaye ’24: 300 Hurdles
NEPSAC Honorable Mention Axel Nzi ’24: 3000 Meters
NEPSAC Honorable Mention Caleigh Lane ’27: 1500 Meters
NEPSAC Honorable Mention Caleigh Lane ’27: 3000 Meters
ALL NEPSAC Kristian Maxwell-Wimberly ’25: Discus, ALL NEPSAC New School Discus Record: 113’ 3”
ALL NEPSAC: Jackson Powell ’26: 200 Meters; Jackson Powell ’26: High Jump; Julia Widen ’24: 100 Meter Hurdles; Julia Widen ’24: 300 Meter Hurdles; Emily Wang ’25: Triple Jump.
CT All Star Team: Elliot Marken '24
Founders All League: Madison Wright ‘24 & Mimi Emswiler ‘24
All NEPSAC Class A Volleyball: Ella Yu ‘24
All NEPSAC Honorable Mention Class A: Lillie Dase ‘26
Founders All League: Ihsan Yumak ‘25
The Coaches Award is given to that member of the JV or 3rds team who has made a significant contribution throughout the season.
Basketball - JV: Max Mudry ’26 and Isaiah Stephens ’25, The whole girls team.
- 3rds: Ethan Shin ’25, Josh Zambrano ’27, and Driseth Anderson ’25 3rds: Liany Otero ’27, Olivia Hicks ’27, and Elizabeth Hicks ’27
Cross Country - JV: Ethan Li-Kato ’27 and Keven Luir ’27 JV: Yaoyao Yuan ’27 and Jami Huang ’25
Field Hockey - JV: Anya Bixby ’25 and Lily Yawand-Wossen ’24
- 3rds: Amelia Helzberg ’26 and Olivia Schulhof ’26
Hockey - JV: Elliot Marken ’24, Alex Shtohryn ’24, and George Weinstein ’24 JV: Charlotte deVillier ’26 and Nia Voss ’26
Soccer - JV: Meilan Antonucci ’24 , Jared Hurst ’24, and Wyatt Towner ’24 JV: Francesca Farman-Farmaian ’24 and Chloe Irwin ’24
- 3rd: Thanos Athanasiou ’25 and Daniel Qu ’25
Squash - JV: Jack Lykouretzos ’27 JV: Kayla Rosenblum ’24 and Ellie Hind ’25
Swimming - JV: Navio Lopez ’27
Volleyball - JV: Hanna Sun ’24 and Jeannie Yang ’25
- 3rds: Lily Chandler ’27, Zayda Gordon ’25, and Quinn Hall ’27
Wrestling - JV: Marcus McGregor ’26