* Required

Alumni Association Board of Governors

Nomination for Membership

Please use the online form below to nominate an individual for membership on the Board of Governors. If you prefer to mail or fax your recommendation, please download a print version of the form.

Your Information:

I wish to nominate the following individual:

Please include a brief statement about why you feel the above individual is a good candidate for Board of Governors (accomplishments, areas of expertise, personal qualities). Write as much as you'd like. To review your entire statement, pull down the lower right corner of the text box.

Your nomination will be sent securely to the Office of Alumni Relations. If you would like to submit additional materials in support of your nominee, please email them to Caroline Reilly.

You can also fax your materials to (860) 435-2256 or mail them to Caroline Reilly, Director of Alumni Relations, The Hotchkiss School, 11 Interlaken Road, Lakeville, CT 06039-2141

Thank you for your nomination.