Head of School Search
On January 14, Head of School Craig W. Bradley announced that he will retire from Hotchkiss at the end of the 2025-26 academic year. In communications distributed to the Hotchkiss community, Co-Presidents of the Board Elizabeth G. Hines '93, P'27 and Robert R. Gould '77 outlined a process and timeline for selecting the next head of school. Their communication and a message from Bradley are available below. Trustee Tim Sullivan '81, P'13,'16 will serve as chair of the Search Committee. The School has retained Isaacson, Miller to assist in the executive search. More information can be found here. As the process progresses, further information will be posted on this page.
Dear Hotchkiss Community, This morning at our Tuesday All-School meeting, I shared the news that I will be retiring as head of School at the end of the 2025-26 academic year. This will mark my tenth year at the School. I reached this decision after a great deal of thought and discussion with my family more than a year ago, and I communicated it to the co-Presidents of the Board of Trustees, Elizabeth G. Hines '93, P'27 and Robert R. Gould '77, at that time. They have been actively engaged in planning for a leadership transition ever since. First and foremost, I would like to assure you that this transition will be carefully and smoothly executed. You will find a letter from Liz and Bob below that provides information on the search process and timeline for selecting Hotchkiss’s next head of School. For the next year and a half, as that process progresses, I will remain at the helm. I look forward to our continued work together and all that we will accomplish. During our time at Hotchkiss, Elizabeth and I have come to love this great School. We love its mission, the learning and growth that students achieve under the mentorship of truly excellent teachers, and the joy of the place. We love the 827 acres of woodland, fields, Fairfield Farm, and lakes where students live and learn; we have walked and canoed on nearly all of them. We love the beauty of the campus—Hotchkiss is one of the jewels of American campus architecture—sustained by our collective commitment to environmental stewardship, and we love the School’s rich history and traditions. The aspect of Hotchkiss that has been the most rewarding to us has been the community: the students, faculty, staff, trustees, alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of the School from across all generations. We are inspired by your excellence and uplifted by the unyielding love and loyalty that you feel for your School. We love witnessing and cheering on students’ passionate engagement in learning and leading in all aspects of School life. We find it deeply meaningful to support members of the faculty and staff as they strive to do their best work, day-in and day-out. As a constant, the dedication of alumni and parents shows in your philanthropy, volunteerism, attendance at reunions, enrolling your children, generous word of mouth, and not infrequently, constructive feedback and counsel. We are truly humbled by all that you feel and do for Hotchkiss. When we arrived on campus in the summer of 2016, Hotchkiss was a storied place with which we were familiar. When we leave in the summer of 2026, Hotchkiss will be part of us. It has been a special privilege to lead this wonderful community, and I look forward to continuing this good work with exceptional colleagues and trustees for the next 18 months. I hope to speak and correspond with many of you during that time. For now, I look forward to the semester ahead, including celebrating the great Class of 2025. Sincerely, |