Speech and Debate
SESSION II: JULY 13 - 26, 2025
COST: $4,000
The Hotchkiss Speech and Debate Summer Portal provides an opportunity for students to learn about various speech and debate events, explore important aspects of rhetoric and public speaking, and practice with coaches and experienced debaters. This program includes direct instruction with coaches, readings, and lectures, and daily debating sessions with students from around the world.
Students will practice the speech and debate events used in the Worlds Independent Debating and Public Speaking Championships and the Debate Association of New England Independent Schools: Parliamentary Debate, Impromptu Speaking, and Prepared Speaking (After Dinner and Persuasive). In addition to work on these specific events, students will learn about classical rhetoric and logic through readings from Cicero and Aristotle. They will watch videos of famous lectures and examine what makes these speakers effective.
In small group sessions, students will build cases, compose speeches, and participate in debates under the guidance of experienced coaches and debaters. All students will compose a speech (After Dinner or Persuasive). Students can expect to complete this program ready to participate in parliamentary debating tournaments and have speeches ready for public speaking tournaments this fall. The skills in case building, refutation, logic, and delivery will help students to be effective debaters in any debate setting.