How do I book my advisor and teacher appointments?
Detailed instructions about booking appointments will be emailed to current families on the following days. Registration will open at 10 a.m. on each day noted.
Tuesday, Oct. 8: NEW families may begin registering for advisor appointments
Thursday, Oct. 10: RETURNING families may begin registering for advisor appointments
Monday, Oct. 14: ALL families may begin registering for teacher appointments
What if I am unable to get appointments with all of my student’s teachers?While teachers will offer as many appointment times as possible, due to the limited time of Family Weekend as well as the number of students a teacher may teach and coach, you may not be able to schedule time with every one of your student’s teachers. For these reasons, we recommend that the first meeting you schedule is with your student’s advisor. Their advisor will have access to all teacher comments and can provide the best overall picture of how your student is doing. If there are specific concerns about your student in a particular class, the advisor will contact you prior to the start of teacher-appointment scheduling to indicate the teachers with whom you should meet.
Does my student have to stay on campus until Saturday afternoon?
Classes are canceled from Saturday, Oct. 26 through Tuesday, Oct. 29! Students must remain on campus through their last official commitment. This includes classes, games, performances, and other co-curricular commitments scheduled through Saturday, Oct. 26. Therefore, if your student has a game or other obligation on Saturday, they must remain on campus. However, if your child is finished earlier, they may depart campus after their final commitment of the weekend. This may be as early as the late afternoon of Friday, Oct. 25.